Thu 02 Jan
Call 415-683-3245 🍀🍀🍀 New Girl💋💋 I will make you happy 💋💋 Friendly Sexy Asian Girl 🍀`***** - 21
(City of San Jose, Outcall Only, San Francisco, San Jose / South Bay)
@@@@**Busty 25yrs Asian Chinese girl jamie*8@@@@ - 25
(San Jose / South Bay, Santa Clara,Sunnyvale,)
BuSty Blonde Beauty with a BOOTY Now in the SouthBay..Call Now ♥★♥★So Don't miss Out (424) 240-6600 - 25
(San Jose / South Bay, Fremont incall)
########## Call ME 408-416-3877 ~~~~~ Sexy Asian Girl Joyce ~~~~~ ########## - 24
(San Jose / South Bay, Outcall Only)
💋👸BuSTY BLoNDe —❤ Perfect CHOICE! ❤ LIMITED Time!👸 - 21
(San Jose / South Bay, Sunnyvale, Sunnyvale Incall & Outcall)
BUSTy HOTTiE** ( ( ( CLICK ME ) ) ) __ gorgeous _LATiNA_ sweetheart / ** the BEST in the BAy * - 23
(San Jose / South Bay, Sunnyvale / Mountain View / Los Altos)
Part-time to 24hrs a Day, Work Around Your Schedule and Make $5,000-$10,000 a Month or More!!!! - 30
(Omaha, Omaha and Surrounding Areas)
CAMPBELL! 💋Adult ✖ PORNSTAR 💋 Syren Wylde 💋Check My Website & New Videos! - 38
(Cupertino, San Jose / South Bay, Santa Clara)
~~ BRaND NeW ~~~~~ EXoTIC BeAuTIFuL MoDeL AnD EsCoRT ~~ - 21
(San Jose / South Bay, Incalls/Outcalls)
@#@#@ Call ME 408-416-3877 @!@ Sexy Asian Girl Joyce @#@#@ - 24
(San Jose / South Bay, Outcall Only)
► ► ► Ladies! Retire $1,000,000 Dollars Richer.. IS THIS POSSIBLE?! ..Join the Millionairess Club► ► - 99
(NYC LA ATL Miami Canada Paris London, Omaha)
💋"Lovely" Ur N€W L@TIN@ L@dy 💦 💯ⓙⓤⓘⓒⓨ 💦🍓PERFECTiON 🍒 BIG ★B👀ty 💦 - 26
(Lacey/Tumwater/Surrounding (Ur Place), Olympia)
Mind numbing, toe curling, pure ecstacy. $80 $100 specials *visiting* - 36
(Olympia, oly/tumwater incall)
¤~* Sexy & Fun Playmate! ¤~* WELL REVIEWED! ** $100 Specials - 22
(Olympia, Lacey/olympia incall outcall)
OLYMPIAS BEST ✫┆✬ ⓛⓞⓞ% ✩💄👅💦 DELICIOUSL¥ NAUGHT¥ 👅🍭•€ager ₮o ₱lease• 5•§T★ℛ Biig B🅾🅾T¥ 👥 🆕FR£@K - 22
(Olympia, Tumwater Lacey Olympia)
Busty redhead ** Kelli's **up 4 in call in lakewood , Sr/512 exit 253-341-7243 - 35
(Olympia, Lakewood, wa. 512/exit 100th & lakeview)
💃💃💃💃. Wild &. Independent. 💋💋💋💋💟◼◼◼◼◼🌴There is🌴◼◼◼◼◼ ✨No Limit✨◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼✨In My World - 25
(Las Vegas, OutCall Las Vegas, South)
~★ ~ What's WARM,Sweet, EXOTIC? and GREAT to TASTE ~★ ~===> with 99$ hour specail - 19
(vegas in & outcalls)
°•★•° W_A_Y _ °•★•° T_O_O °•★•° [-S-] __[-E-] __ [-X-]__ [-Y-] __ T_O ___M_I_S_S °• - 24
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas /Strip)
Super SluTTy NauGhTy SeXi BruNeTte PlayMate ReaDy 2 PlEaSe { SqUeRtEr } - 21
SUPER -CuTe! *ExOTiC* PlAyMaTe!* CraVING Your ATTEnTIoN ! CoMe PLaY*! oUtCaLLs- SPeCiaLS NoW - 23
(Van Nuys In/out)
***** _____________ SWEET & Petite ____________ ASiAN_ GiRL _________ ~~LuLu~~ !! ________ ***** - 24
(Sherman Oaks/ Studio City/ SFV)
**____ [{ SuPeR }] _____ ♥ Cute ♥ _____ ~^|^ BLoNDe oF YouR DReaMS ^|^~ ____ - 19
(Incall 1o1 118 Fwy Close:Out Available)
sweet milf seduces incalls 7am to 11pm hot all real beauty - 35
(incall sf valley near 101, San Fernando Valley)
Super SUCCULENT and SLENDER Cutie __ I aim to Satisfy!! __ hot petite blonde __ #1 CHOICE!! - 21
(San Fernando Valley, SHERMAN OAKS / VAN NUYS)
Super Cuteツ CoMe SeE *✰* YoUr SwEEt *✰* NeW aDDiCtiOn ♥ SpEcIaLs - 23
(San Fernando Valley, Woodland hills incall off 101 specials)
STUNNING T*A*N*T*R*A GODDESS *Exotic/Nice * Sensual Fullbody G*SPOT & DEEP Sensuous RELEASE HOT CMT - 818310
(405/101 sherman oaks/studio city/woodla)
Super specials for Super Bowl Sunday - 18
(San Fernando Valley, Studio city/Sherman oak/North Hollywood)
(Speci@ls) ————— 💞———————————— *BLoNDE* —♥— *B@RbiE* ——————————————💞 ————— (100% Real Pics) - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman Oaks / Van Nuys Incall/Outcall)
SUPER FREAK ready to play and party outcalls only - 21
(Noho thousand oaks, canoga Sfv, San Fernando Valley)
ೋ * SEXY Pin Up DOLL * ೋ *l~ VERY Sweet * ೋ* NEW PICS! ~ VERY Highly Reviewed - 32
(Canoga Park, San Fernando Valley)
♥ SeXy LiTtLe GoDdEsS sExY LiTtLe TeAsE sExY LiTtLe NyMpHo On My kNeSs ☆ - 20
(Studio City/North Hollywood)
Check out the Booty On This Little cutie ... it's A sight For Sore Eyes
(N HO/Sherman Oaks/canoga pk/Woodland Hil)
W_A_R_N_I_N_G ☠ E_X_T_R_ E_M_E_L_Y ♥ A_D_D_I_ C_T_I_V_E 100 Specials - 21
💋California 💋Professional 💋 - 25
(Anaheim, Bellflower, Beverly Hills, Carson, Cerritos, City of Long Beach, Compton, Corona, Costa Mesa, Downey, Downtown, Fullerton, Garden Grove, Hemet, Hollywood, Huntington Beach, Inglewood / Hawtho)
( .) ( .) ★ WANNA GET AWAY & PLAY? ★ Late Night Spcl 60 ★ Come See Me - 45
(Orlando, Off I4 exit 74A; Comfortable Nice)
🎶🎶🎶❤️🍰🎶busty brunette beauty❤️🎶🎶I'm gonna make you're day memorable;)👄❤️🎶 - 25
(San Fernando Valley, Studio city)
Brand NEW ✰ ♥ SWEETEST ———— ♥ ▓ •—Latina ♥ ▓ Model Type companion ♥ ▓ Visiting for a short time - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Pasadena,Glendale,Burbank,Los Feliz)
✤ //__// ✥ BRAND * NEW __ GiRL neXt d0Or.. SimPLy AmAziNG !! ✤ //__// ✥ - 21
(SFV .. Van Nuys .. Studio City)