Mon 27 Jan
💜💜💛💛INcALL& OuTcALL ONLY**AVA**SExY &MaTuRe; 💜💜💛💛 - 46
(Scranton, Wilkes-barre and surrounding areas)
* ~ ** ? SexY ° B=L=O=N=D=E ° GiRL ? ~ ** ~ ** ~ **((ExTrEmElY sTuNNInG)) ~ ** ~ * - 24
(phoenix in/out)
(STOP) ----- >>:*¨ 100% ReaL PICs :*¨*: DECADENT DONNA :*¨*: SWEEt Polynesian w/ specials !! - 22
✨New 👑Columbian Princess 💎Official exclusive 💎Miss Kardash💋 highly reviewed💯 (980)319-5380 - 21
(Scranton, Wilkes barre)
come find your destiny. the defendants between me an her... i make this look good... - 21
💎 👸🏼☆S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! 💎Upscαℓε💎SWEET & DISCREET 🎀 👑ReAdY NoW👑 🎀 - - 39 - 39
(Greensboro, Your place or mine INCALLS & OUTCALLS)
Petite PHX Sweetheart! Sexy & Available! Irresistible Lil Baby Doll Wants U 2 Come Play & Have Fun! - 23
(Phx North, Biltmore Area)
💯% Real Pics or it's FREE! VIP Treatment $30 for 30 min. Girls work on tips 813-9334411Open 24hrs - 25
(1053 west Busch blvd tampa fl, Hillsborough Co, Tampa)
Cant beat special!!! $130/hr lowest price ever Great reviews! Non drug user! outcalls only please - 31
(Columbus, OUTCALL Only Columbus & suburbs)
Hey guys wake up with Nikki and get this monday started ***AM specials b4 11***! - 28
(Cincinnati, North cincy)
✨ Pure Pleasure ✨ DoNt BeAt YoUrSelF TrEaT YoUrsELf ✨ T.G.I.F 65special ✨ THe ONE YOUR LooKiNG FOR ✨ - 25
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa airport area)
*♛ RELAX *♛ WITH *♛ LATIN *♛ PLEASURE *♛ - 21
(Sherman Oaks, sherman oaks/ san fernando valley)
~*** Monica Special's* ** IN CALLS~ ,** IT'S MY PLEASURE *** In/Out Call & Two girl specials - 23
(Hillsborough Co, My place near Air Port)
☆█ ▄___ (((MONdAy ALL NItE SeXy SAVANNAH !!# $$$Specials$$$!!! GReaT REviEwS# ♥• ))) ___▄ █ ☆ - 24
(Pinellas Co, OUTCALL/some INcall PINELLAS,HILLS)
💠N____A___ T____U____R ___A ____L _____💠💠____ B__ __E____A____ U____T____Y___ 💠💠💠 - 23
(San Fernando Valley, hotels,motels.....)
❥ 〓 [[💯]] 〓 [[MORNING]] 〓 [[LUNCH]] 〓 ❥〓 [[DINNER]] 〓 [[BRUNETTE]] - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Northridge, Porter Ranch, Chatsworth)
MsPhat stuff just wanna Have FUN!!!!90Spls - 26
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa-DALE MABRY{ Serious Callers!!})
* * NeEd 2 ReLaX * * LeTs GeT ThIs PaRtY StArTeD * * 24/7 ReAl & LaIDBaCk * * 8o In ~ 120 OuT * * * - 21
(Long Beach, 110~ 405~ 91~ Southbay ~ Incall Outcall)
💣💟💥💟 Sexy Hot MATURE WOMAN!★Exotic BIG BOOTY KINKY COUGAR★Ms ANGELA★ $80 Specials💟💣💥💟💣 - 40
(84TH AVE & I-25 NORTH DENVER, City of Denver, Denver)
( NEW) JusT LooK AnD See WhAt ALL The FuSs Is AbouT [ Fr3akie] SpECiaLs - 20
(secaucus & meadowlands area)
MILF AND Daughter incall only for daughter tipping starts at 200 cum play - 22
(TAMPA,and with in 20 miles)
...,,, NeEd. A hOt,YOUNG, LUsT gOdDeSs ????...125 o/c SpEcIaLs !!!! - 19
(i/c-west phoenix.o/c-valleywide)
Mixed Puerto Rican 50 $pecials Diamond Don't Waste Your Time Anymore - 23
(Hillsborough Co, Busch gardens area,275,usf)
M O C H A👄 Sexy 👄 Seductive ★ The Ultimate Package ★ 💯%Satisfying ★ Ready Now •:.•:*.•★ - 19
(Mission Hills)
♥NEW ❤▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥Just Arrived♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥Japanese BARBIE ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ - 23
(North Jersey, South Hackensack ♥ ♥)
Meet the A-Team!!! - 22
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura, OutCall)
MZ Yari ★ !!SuPeR Hott BoMbSHeLL! ★ - NEW GREAT SPECIALS - 22
(West Valley, 43rd ave and thomas ( my home))
~ MARIAH XTREEEMELY SWEET LADY (FFF) very pretty american indian/italian mix - 35
(Pasco Co, PINELLAS /US 19, Tampa)
💕 My MoUtH On Ur ZiPPeR WHiLe U Rubb On My ???? ❤ THe BeST Of THe BeST ❤ TaLeNTeD & ReADy 💕 - 25
(East Valley, OUTCALL'S ONLY- i Go 2 U, Phoenix)
💟💗Mix Cuban&Philippian; Baebs👅Young Fun!!💙😚New piks New Comers Welcome👍 - 19
(Hillsborough Co, fowler)
Lovely Asian Delight ...... Always FUN... Private residence / Sylmar - 22
(San Fernando Valley, 15 min away in the valley)
:-: Sexy Blonde and Brunette Duo!!! :-: Highly Reviewed!! :-: Amazing Specials!! :-: - 18
(DTC or Your Place)
Mia loves to please! Fattest ass in town 💦 - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys ( surrounding areas ))
Maybe I'm just a BAD GIRL!!! (727) 458 3418 - 28
(Clearwater, Hernando Co, Hillsborough Co, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
☆NaUgHtY iTaLiAn & iRiSh BrUNeTTe☆♡DoUbLe D's & ReAdY To PLeAsE♡i WiLL TREaT YoU liKe A KiNg BaBy!!! - 23
(North Jersey, PaRsiPPanY, ALWAYS AVAiLABLE)
***** M A K E ... Y O U R ... T H U R S D A Y ... A W E S O M E ** INCALLS ..100**** - 36
(Pinellas Co, indian rocks/ulmerton area)
Kristi Hott Long Legged Blonde Green eyed Beauty for your pleasure Available Now I am the one 4 u - 40
(Long Beach, long beach central)
⭐️⭐️⭐⭐️⭐️ Little💋Miss💋Bombshell 💋⭐💋 💋⭐💋FUN💋⭐💋 NEW 💋⭐💋Down To Earth - 23
(San Fernando Valley, studio city. north hwood ,tarzana,encino)
** Mature ** Diva ** St Pete ** Lady ** Fun ** AVAILABLE 24/7 ** Busty DD ** 727 410 0794 ** - 53
(st pete in call)
♡♥♡Lunch Br3@k $p3c !!! T@k3 @ bit3 of $w33tness!!! Thick & $3xy Ready for $0m3 @ction!!! - 22
(Hillsborough Co, Incalls Busch Gardens area)